Technology have become so essential and a bit affordable in our today's world owing to the growing accessible internet service, sadly most young people from poor background across the world have little or no access to Digital Technology and Information Technology Education. How can we be so comfortable in a society that robs a child an essential in life because the government and caregivers can't give it to them, we do this child a grave injustice by this negligence. How can we be so comfortable in a society that robs a child an essential in life because the government and caregivers can't give it to them, we do this child a grave injustice by this negligence. The unlimited access to the internet have made this generation of young people so vast in knowledge and equipped with various skills as a result of the current pool of free and affordable online courses on the world wide net and other online resources to learn new skills. Digital Divide is The Technological gap between the rich and the poor; we can also say it is the gap between those who have access to Modern Information Technology and those that don't. The contributing factors to the digital divide are the lack of financial ability, lack of internet infrastructure and computer illiteracy. Digital divide can exist between the rich and poor, the older generation and younger generation, Urban and rural areas and men and women. The Effects of this Digital divide can be dissociation among young people, educational barriers and gender discrimination. They have been few programs launched in Nigeria to tackle Digital divide and bridge the gap, one of such is the OLPC (one laptop per child) which wasn't so effective. Some people gave reasons why the program wasn't successful is due to greediness and corruption of the officials in charge, people claimed they distributed a few to close associates and a few to public school students then stacking the rest for themselves. Another of such program would be the recent NITDA one million Developers Training, This program unlike the former is not for bridging the access to Digital technology gadgets but on bridging access to Computer Education and Information communication Technology training.



  1. Bola Ojo says:

    Beautiful Insight.

    1. Boma C says:

      Digital Marketing is a broad branch, google analytics, Search engine marketing e.t.c.

      1. Bella Imoh says:

        Write one on the Digital Marketing Tools

  2. Tomi J says:

    Nice one, very educative

  3. Tomi J says:

    You have gotten an ardent reader

  4. Dorcas Ademide says:

    Digital Marketing still have it's own work but it reaches a wider audience, good one.

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